An Amazing Promise: Philippians 4:19-20

by | Prison Epistles

19 And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus. 20Now to our God and Father be the glory forever and ever. Amen.

Well-quoted verse this is, a great and precious promise. Whatever our need, God stands ready to meet it. We must consider the context of this verse so that we understand the scope of the promise. The better we understand it, the more confidence we have to believe it. We don’t want to treat this as a “Christian” platitude or a catch phrase that diminishes its value.

Paul had been talking about his personal financial situation, being content in whatever state he was in, either having abundance or having little. He saw everything he possessed as being God’s supply for his needs. It came through either his own hard work (making tents) or through gifts from God’s people. His goal was not to become rich, but to make his life useful for God’s purpose. Therefore his needs were not “wants.” They were practical, we suppose, for sustenance and travel expenses. His “wants,” if he had them, were in line with his “needs,” making his way toward God’s plan for his life.

The Philippians had rejoined Paul’s mission as financial partners. We can safely assume their gifts to Paul meant their sacrifice in areas of need, not just areas of want, because Paul was instructing them to look to God to meet their needs. Their giving placed them in the same arena of faith as Paul. Their fellowship with Paul went to a deeper level, sharing in helping to meet the needs of others, and in so doing placing themselves “voluntarily” in the same position of needs—and thus looking to God in faith to supply that need! No wonder Paul rejoiced that they had truly joined in the mission.

Missionary work is clearly a team effort: there are those who give up a lot to go to the “front lines” physically. There are others who give up much money, to send it to the “front lines.” But all go to the front lines spiritually, serving together in fellowship of the work of the Lord. The Philippians get it. This truly is teamwork in action.

Now, the promise makes better sense. When we sacrifice greatly to provide for others in the Lord’s work, God then provides for us in support of the “team.” And His supply is “according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” Spiritual wealth comes through sacrificial giving. Nothing helps us to delineate more clearly between wants and needs than sacrifice. And nothing helps us experience God’s overwhelming resources more than a sacrificial heart for promoting His kingdom here on earth. Paul concludes, therefore, that it is all about God’s glory. And all God’s people echo, “Amen!”

Lord, thank You for being the One who can and does supply all of my needs.


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