Mmmmm, Smells Good: Philippians 4:17-18

by | Prison Epistles

17 Not that I seek the gift itself, but I seek for the profit which increases to your account. 18 But I have received everything in full and have an abundance; I am amply supplied, having received from Epaphroditus what you have sent, a fragrant aroma, an acceptable sacrifice, well-pleasing to God.

Motive is essential, as Paul makes very clear the cause of his enthusiasm over the Philippians’ renewed support for the gospel. The actual gift is not the point, a statement that requires significant integrity to make. On the one hand, the words are easy to say, in a sort of false humility sort of way. But Paul’s attitude toward money was that if the Lord supplied through gifts from the believers, then praise the Lord. If not, then he would gladly work with his hands to provide for his own needs. It really did not matter to him. Either way he was fully engaged in serving the Lord.

So he could honestly write that he saw the renewal of the Philippians’ support as a benefit to them; it was a credit to them. But in what sense? Certainly Paul would not have in mind a merit system for salvation. Neither would he be suggesting an incentive method for obtaining God’s favor, as though sanctifying grace needed to be earned. Eternal rewards are not in mind, then. God’s grace always remains freely given, otherwise it would not be grace.

We may be better served by asking, what does the phrase “profit which increases to your account” mean? First, Paul noted their participation in the gospel, which resulted in his prayer of thanks to God for them (Phil 1:3-4). This was credited to their account. Then Paul said there was evidence of God’s perfecting the work in them that He began (1:6), such that Paul was confident that the Lord’s work would be completed. Then in verse 1:10 he points out that the Philippians were approving the things which are excellent. He thus credits them with spiritual maturity and insight. They are experiencing the excellence of God’s grace working in and through them.

As they gave out of the abundance which God had given them, their account of grace experienced increases. This isn’t a health and wealth gospel, but rather a grace and grace message. The more grace you show, the larger your capacity for grace grows. The more you allow God to work grace through you, the greater facility you have to appreciate God’s grace toward you.

So the gift they sent Paul was more than enough for him, because he was overflowing with the joy of seeing God’s grace at work in them. Their gift was not just to him, but was also a fragrant offering acceptable to God.

Lord, help me to see my financial support for missions as a sacrificial offering to You, and not just a response to the most effective fund raiser.


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