Game Changer: Matthew 19:1-2

by | Matthew

1 When Jesus had finished these words, He departed from Galilee and came into the region of Judea beyond the Jordan; 2 and large crowds followed Him, and He healed them there.

Everything now changes in the movement of Jesus’ ministry. Since the time of his baptism at the Jordan River near Jerusalem, he had spent little if any time in the province of Judea. At that time, Israel was under Roman control and was composed of two main areas, Galilee and Judea. Originally (hundreds of years earlier) the land was divided among the descendants of Jacob’s twelve sons (called “tribes”). In time the northern populace strayed from God and formed its own nation, called “Ephraim” (after the dominant tribe). They were eventually overrun by foreign powers, with most of the people forced into relocation (“captivity”). The people left in the land intermarried with other people groups who were forced to relocate there. This mixed people group came to be known as “Samaritans” and their land called “Samaria.”

The southern populace coalesced around the tribe of Judah, carrying on the dynasty of King David. For the most part, they too strayed from God, but there was always a remnant remaining faithful to the true God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. In time, this southern nation (called “Judah” after the dominate tribe), went through a series of conquests by foreign powers and were finally taken into captivity also. Unlike the northern kingdom, the people of Judah retained their identity as the people of God, and eventually returned to their land.

In time, some of the people spread north into what became known as Galilee. The southern portion, where Jerusalem was located, was called Judea. The land in between was occupied by the despised Samaritans.

Apart from being born in Judea (Bethlehem) and baptized there (Jordan River 30 miles from Jerusalem), Jesus spent most of his life and ministry in Galilee. Now the time had come, the crescendo began which led to the climax of His mission. This juncture in the story is pivotal, for it signals the beginning of the end, there will be no withdrawing this time. He had had some brief forays into Judea before this, but now He would not be returning until after His death.

Jesus’ self-fulfilling prediction in Matthew 16:21 was about to prove true. He was resolutely determined: “I gave My back to those who strike Me, and My cheeks to those who pluck out the beard; I did not cover My face from humiliation and spitting. For the Lord God helps Me, therefore, I am not disgraced; therefore, I have set My face like flint …” (Isaiah 50:6-7).

Lord, thank You that You were not deterred in the slightest from Your purpose, which was to offer Yourself as the only and the perfect sacrifice for our sins.


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