Ask In My Name (cont.) – John 14:13-14

by | The Upper Room

13 “Whatever you ask in My name, that will I do, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. 14 If you ask Me anything in My name, I will do it.”

The “anything in My name” covers a lot of ground. What are those things that would be appropriate requests? Obviously, anything that is designed for my particular enjoyment or comfort does not fit the context of this command, namely glorifying Christ. But what are some of the things that we need that God does want to provide?

Sometimes our prayers, as we suggested before, might be for activating the things He has already given us, but which are lying dormant or are in need of strengthening. We might ask for patience, stamina, grace, mercy, strength, wisdom, insight, gentleness, skill, protection, power, sound mind, and infinitely more. These are all things that God has willed for us, so we can be assured that He will give these to us (or, should we say, activate these things in us), so that we can better glorify Christ.

Scripture is filled with the promises of God, the blessings of God, the character of God—all are ours, ready for use, application and experience. “… His divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness, through the true knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and excellence” (2 Peter 1:3). But why do some Christians experience the abundance of life and spiritual resources when others do not? It is because some ask while others do not.

I think of a young man who needed to buy a vehicle. He was challenged to pray about the kind of car he should buy. The obvious choice, for a young man like himself, was a flashy, two-door sports car. But in prayer the Lord answered his desire to serve Him more faithfully and effectively, so he ended up buying a van, with multiple rows of seats—which would prove to be far more useful in his work with young people. The Lord gave Him wisdom to purchase the right vehicle.

Recently I heard of a woman from Jewish background who came to faith in Christ. Many in her family shunned her. With great desire to reach her people for Christ she prayed for God’s help. In time, she became pregnant and gave birth to a Down syndrome baby. Her extended family began to warm up to her and offer assistance. The pathway to a more open relationship with them opened up, and with it, the opportunity to speak about Christ. She and her husband see their special-needs child as being God’s blessing and help in their effort to reach others for Christ.

Lord, help me pray for the things that glorify Your Son.


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