The Penultimate Move – John 13:27

by | The Upper Room

27 After the morsel, Satan then entered into him. Therefore Jesus said to him, “What you do, do quickly.”

One cannot worship the risen Savior without contemplating His rejection and suffering. Dark and gloomy as it is, scenes like this passage weave the black background against which the brilliant glory of the Savior shines. On so many levels this verse draws us deeper into the spiritual battle that has raged on since the beginning of creation, a veritable chess match whose stakes are nothing short of cosmic. The most powerful force of all God’s creation (Eze 28:12) has been locked in continuous maneuvering to checkmate his creator, and the universe is his chess board. We see in the first chapters of the book of Job, the over-riding, defining narrative describing the root issue, whether a human being would inevitably curse His creator if blessing were removed.

Satan now was making his penultimate move. Judas’ leaving to start the process of betrayal was the big setup for the crucifixion. The irony of this is that the devil knew full well that he was not surprising Jesus, for he knew that Jesus was the “Son of the Most High God”—if his minions knew it then certainly he would have known it as well – Mark 5:7). Yet desperate was the devil to play on, despite the inherent futility. How must he have thought when Jesus even encouraged the action, and to do it with haste! This is not the time to delay the game, as had been the case in the past, when He said, “My time is not yet here” (John 7:6). Jesus was in full control of the game.

Contrived paranormal movies can not compare with this moment of demonic possession. The very arch-enemy of God, Satan himself, enters the body of one of the twelve. While previously, the devil interacted directly with Christ in the wilderness temptation, here we find him embodying himself in a human for the task of betrayal. While he could have used other supernatural means, he resorts to betrayal, treachery and deception. These are his “best,” most effective moves. Jesus saw this clearly when He confronted His unbelieving detractors, “You are of your father the devil … He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him. Whenever he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies” (John 8:44). In the Upper Room, Satan lives up to his billing. But though he was planning the move that would secure his goal of supremacy over God, he was about to fall prey to the checkmate that would be heard throughout eternity.

Lord, I marvel how Your every move is perfectly crafted to show the shining brilliance of Your glory.


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