Honoring Marriage – Hebrews 13:4

by | Hebrews

4 Marriage is to be held in honor among all, and the marriage bed is to be undefiled; for fornicators and adulterers God will judge.

Catch-all is the word we are tempted to use of this last chapter of Hebrews. But, lest we think this string of seemingly random statements in the last chapter of Hebrews is arbitrary, they follow naturally as applications of the great truths expounded in chapters 1-12. Truth without life-change is academic and esoteric at best, stale mantras at worst. James tells us, “But prove yourselves doers of the word, and not merely hearers who delude themselves” (James 1:22). Therefore, it is most appropriate to sit at the feet of the Hebrews’ author as he instructs, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, on the appropriate kinds of behaviors that should flow from the knowledge of Christ’s superiority over the Law and our faith in Him.

Love of strangers and those imprisoned for their faith leads to addressing the more familiar kind of love, that within marriage. Ephesians 5:25 tells us that husbands ought to love their wives the way Christ loves the church. Here we see that the physical expression of marital love is to be honored and protected. Three short sentences capture it all. In a day when the definition of marriage is under constant change, the Scripture is clear. Marriage is described and endorsed in Scripture as being between one man and one woman. Same-sex marriage, polygamy, premarital sex and all other kind of physical sexual expression outside of marriage is considered fornication, indeed a strong word!

While our western culture intently marches toward Sodom and Gomorrah, we believers in the once-for-all-time sacrifice of Christ for our sins and who now live under grace and not law, should continually hold marriage as God created it in high regard. Adultery is not just some unfortunate sin that men and women (wink, wink) accidentally fall into. When Proverbs illustrates the propensity to fall into folly as opposed to wisdom, the writer uses the analogy of a young man being seduced by the temptress. One can hardly find a more appropriate means to elucidate that truth. Adultery of all kinds is the height of folly, the opposite of wisdom. And it is subject to God’s judgment.

Indeed, sexual impulses are difficult to resist, especially when we are bombarded through the media at every turn with sensual images and behavior. We must continually go back to the sacrifice of Christ, God’s provision, undeserved, but greatly appreciated. Gratitude must continually motivate us where law cannot do so. God has forgiven, so let’s avoid further transgressions.

Lord, the temptation to give in to illicit sexuality is great. Thank You for already paying the price for my forgiveness. Grant us Your grace to resist.


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