Reproachful Faith – Hebrews 11:26

by | Hebrews

26 considering the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures of Egypt; for he was looking to the reward.

Economically speaking, faith doesn’t make sense, at least in Moses’ case. That is especially provocative in light of the present day “health and prosperity” gospel. Trust God and He will bless you with wealth?

To be sure there have been many wealthy people of God. Job, probably our earliest example, was “the greatest of all the men in the east” (Job 1:1-3), and after his test of faith, ended up even greater (Job 42:12). Solomon’s wealth was unimaginable and came as a result of his asking God for understanding and discernment and not for wealth (1 Ki 3:11–13). This is not to mention Joseph, Daniel, Esther and others who ascended into prominent and wealthy positions.

Not so much Moses. He was raised in the extreme lavishness of royal surroundings, not because of his godliness, but ironically because of his parents’ faithfulness to God (Heb 11:23). Yet at age 40, fully capable of making informed, mature decisions (that is, he was not acting in youthful impulsiveness), he made his choice, and it cost him hugely. The actual act may have seemed like a knee-jerk reaction but was in all probably only the surface indicator of much thought and consideration (after all why else would he have “gone out to his brethren and looked up their labors? Exodus 2:11-12). Because of his defending the Jewish slave over against the Egyptian taskmaster, he fled the country in fear and lived the next 40 years as a nomad in the desert.

Did Moses ever have second thoughts after the fact? After all, tending sheep for 40 years gives one much time to think, but there is no indication in the historical record to that effect. He made absolutely no effort to reinsert himself into the Egyptian scene. He apparently felt the tradeoff was worth it, even if it meant living secluded from his own people for over four decades.

But in what sense or what was in his mind, such that the writer of Hebrews describes this as “considering the reproach of Christ”? In his siding with the reproachful Jews (that is, in the eyes of the Egyptians), he was siding with the promises of God, which were ultimately fulfilled in Christ. This reminds us of Saul of Tarsus, who, while persecuting the early church, was in reality (and unrealized by Saul) persecuting Christ (Acts 9:4). So what actually was in Moses’ mind. Our text says he was looking to the reward, which we would understand as the promise of God to his ancestors, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

The readers were being called to make a similar choice between their own religious background and the new way of Christ.

Lord, help me to choose You and Your people over my own material prosperity.


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