No Going Back! – Hebrews 10:39

by | Hebrews

39 But we are not of those who shrink back to destruction, but of those who have faith to the preserving of the soul.

Vacillating between the personal pronouns, “we”, “us” and “you”, Paul writes to a somewhat mixed audience. His readers include genuine Christians, but also those who are close, but have not crossed from death into life, into genuine spiritual salvation. This last group can be seen in the warnings of this letter to not shrink back to the old system of Levitical worship and the Mosaic Law. They have come to know the truth about Christ being the once-for-all-time sacrifice that replaces the old way, but have not passed over the fulcrum point of unbelief to belief. However, in our passage for today, the writer asserts that he, along with all who join him in resting on the finished sacrifice of Christ, are those who do not “shrink back” but are “those who have faith.”

As with the entire letter to the Hebrews, this verse carries much truth to appreciate. To revert to the Mosaic Law, despite the Law being good and righteous, would lead a person to eternal destruction, because Christ is now here and has fulfilled the righteous demands of the Law with a better, perfect sacrifice. To go back is to “trample underfoot” (10:29) what He has done. That makes a mockery of God’s provision for our sin. And it makes a mockery out of Christ, His Son.

However, those who have faith find rest in Christ, in that they never have to worry again about their eternal destiny, whether they are fully forgiven. In the words of this passage, their souls are preserved. They have found what it means to rest in the Lord. The people of Israel finally entered the Promised Land and found rest from war, but because of their lack of faith they did not experience the true spiritual rest of God. But now, through faith, those who have come to know God and believe in Jesus Christ’s eternal Melchizedekian kind of priesthood, which brought about the perfect once-for-all-time sacrifice, experience complete spiritual rest in Him. We who believe will be preserved to the end. There is no turning or shrinking back.

Chapters one through ten of this letter now come to a conclusion. We have seen how Christ is superior to all else, whether the prophets, angels, Moses or the Levitical priesthood, and He serves at a greater, perfect heavenly tabernacle. Next we turn to the example of those who through the ages have dared to believe God, those “of whom the world is not worthy” (11:38).

Lord, thank You so much for my perfect Savior, and His perfect sacrifice. And thank You for the assurance that You will preserve my soul!


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