Shared Memories – Hebrews 10:32-33 (cont.)

by | Hebrews

32 But remember the former days, when, after being enlightened, you endured a great conflict of sufferings, 33 partly by being made a public spectacle through reproaches and tribulations, and partly by becoming sharers with those who were so treated.

Christians have suffered for their faith and continue to do so. This may come through direct persecution, or through the sufferings incurred in the normal course of a fallen world. True, even non-Christians suffer, but not because of their faith. For the Christian, the difference is that all suffering involves faith. Sickness, accidents and actions by those who want to harm us are all cast in the light of the existence of God, particularly His sovereignty and His love. When bad stuff happens do we believe God is in control and that He is good?

But suffering in persecution is something we can control, by our conscious fidelity to the One in whom we believe and trust. We control it in the sense that we can eliminate much of it by simply choosing not to trust in Christ. But, choosing loyalty to Christ, in particular the unique truth that His once-for-all-time sacrifice is sufficient and exclusive for gaining the restored relationship with our Creator, brings on a reaction from a self-centered, self-justifying world. Even from those who ostensibly pass themselves off as being pious. Nothing will reveal the true heart of a religious person more than to suggest that their best efforts are completely useless in satisfying God. The irate reaction reveals much about one’s pride of piety.

What Christian hasn’t at some point been ridiculed for his or her faith, either through verbal harassment or political maneuverings? Who has not been mocked like Jesus on the cross when His detractors vomited up their invectives over Him, “He saved others, let Him save Himself” (Luke 23:35)? Who has not been lashed by the whip of words behind their backs? Which Christians have not questioned at some weak point, whether it is worth it all? Yes, there is much struggle in maintaining our faith in Christ in the face of many difficulties.

But, that’s not all. Through faith we become “sharers with those who were so treated.” We mourn with those who hurt; we hurt with those who struggle, we struggle with those who suffer. We share together, feeling deeply when others are tempted, and we grieve for those who fall away to the lusts of the world and the lusts of the flesh and the pride of life. All because of persecution from the religious, the world and the devil.

Lord, the temptation to fall away from faith in Christ is great. Help me stand strong, Lord. I don’t want to waste this suffering by turning away from You.


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