Intentional Amnesia – Hebrews 10:16b-17

by | Hebrews

16 … He then says, 17 “And their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember no more.”

How can God not remember something? This is the second time (see 8:12) that God’s memory is called into view by quoting from Jeremiah 31:34. God is said to have “remembered Noah” (Gen 8:1), and Abraham (Gen 19:29). God does not have the limiting capacity of memory issues, does He?

Fundamental to theology is the infinite nature of God, particular as it pertains to our text today, that He is all-knowing, or in technical terms, omniscient. There is no limit to His memory. A corollary to this is that He is at the same instant and at every instance, cognitively aware of all things happening or existing, everywhere and throughout time. God cannot forget anything in the sense of ceasing to be aware.

When Scripture refers to God remembering something or not remembering, it refers to His actively beginning to fulfill a commitment He has made or an intention He has for someone, after some period of time. So when God “remembered” Noah, this marks His beginning of the next stage of separating out Noah from the rest of the evil world, and God begins withdrawing the flood waters after 150 days of destructive activity.

So for God to “remember no more” our sins, means that after a long time, He has begun to fulfill His intention to finally deal with the sins of His people, and of all people. The Mosaic Law with its Levitical sacrificial system was a constant reminder of sins, not only for us, but also for God. It was His intention to keep sin at the forefront of worship, emphasizing the vast distance between God’s holiness and our “lawless deeds.” But now, God has committed to the complete solution to the sin problem. For those who turn from their sin and vain efforts to keep the Law, and turn to the perfect High Priest, who offered the perfect sacrifice for sin, once for all, and Who has now taken His seat at the right hand of the Father—God has committed to us the complete forgiveness of sin, once for all. We have no need to fear judgment or failure to live up to holiness, because He has committed Himself to this, “Their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember no more.”

Were there no memory of sin, there could be no exaltation of a forgiving God. The nail-prints in His hands remain for eternity, but now symbolize His grace that is greater than our sin! We are reminded to worship Him!

Lord, You are the Master of weaving the many black strokes of sin in my life into the beautiful painting of Your glory.


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