Inheritance by Blood – Hebrews 9:15

by | Hebrews

15 For this reason He is the mediator of a new covenant, so that, since a death has taken place for the redemption of the transgressions that were committed under the first covenant, those who have been called may receive the promise of the eternal inheritance.

In light of Christ’s blood being of superior value to the blood of animals in terms of sacrificial worth, a number of truths follow. But again we must address the nature of blood in sacrifice, because it is so foreign to us today. Blood is at the center of human existence. Biologically it carries oxygen and nutrients to all the cells of the body. It also carries away waste products and carbon dioxide. It permeates every place in the body and without blood a body would cease to function and would die. It connects life in the body, and everything is dependent upon it. So in ritualistic worship, blood signifies the life of the body, and its presentation represents not just death but life; a life has been sacrificed. So, in a very real sense, it is not the death that is valuable, per se, but it is the life that is sacrificed that gives the death value.

Christ is superior to all animal sacrifices, and He is superior to all human beings, for “He is the radiance of His glory and the exact representation of His nature …” (Heb 1:3). Therefore, His blood represents the sacrifice of a superior life. Therefore, since His blood sacrifice is superior to all sacrifices in the Mosaic Law, a number of truths follow.

First, like a commercial transaction, Christ’s death paid a price to free people under the Mosaic Covenant from the consequences of failure to live by it. This is what “redeem” means. And it is mediated by Christ.

Second, Christ’s death is of value to believers under the Mosaic Law, though when they lived, the cross was yet future. The idea is that the animal sacrifices were temporary fixes for the people’s sins, but they were truly forgiven because of the future work of Christ on the cross. God’s action in redeeming His people is not limited by the sequence of time in history. His actions in the perfect sacrifice of Christ applied to all genuine believers “before” hand, in a sort of retro-active way.

Third, Christ’s death is of value to any and all who “have been called.” This reminds us that God takes the initiative in salvation. Our faith is a response. This inheritance (that which is obtained through the death of another), comes through the sacrifice of Christ and will never cease. It is a permanent possession, because of a perfect sacrifice with a perfect Mediator.

Lord, I can’t say it enough, thank You, thank You, thank You for Your most perfect gift through the Magnificent Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.


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