A Better Deal – Hebrews 6:9

by | Hebrews

9 But, beloved, we are convinced of better things concerning you, and things that accompany salvation, though we are speaking in this way.

“Beloved” identifies that our writer is here talking specifically to genuine believers. Is this subtle evidence of Pauline authorship, for Paul used this to describe the recipients of all his letters except the Galatians and Titus? Not necessarily, for the same term is used in James’, Peter’s and John’s writings as well. But we can say this: One can hardly escape remembering this term from how the Father frequently referred to Jesus, e.g. “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well-pleased” (Matt 3:17). It is because of God’s love for His Son, and His love, consequently, for us, that we can love one another. Oh, that we had such an attitude toward one another as the Scripture writers had for those to whom they ministered!

Remembering the hiatus that began in 5:11, where the readers are told they are not mature enough for solid teaching (though they should be), and after desiring to take them beyond the “elementary things” (6:1), which includes the false notion that one could lose one’s salvation, we are encouraged to move on. There are “better things” with which believers should occupy their time.

What are these things? First, they are “better” in the sense of more advanced, not elementary. Like knowing how to ride a bike is better than knowing how to ride a tricycle, like walking is better than crawling, like eating solid food is better than only drinking milk (to use the analogy given in chapter 5).

Secondly, these better things are those which “accompany salvation.” Many Christians repeatedly dwell on the story of their conversion, and their testimony is limited to how they were saved. It is all in the past tense; their spiritual conversation is limited to the process of, as it were, birthing.  Of course, that is a huge miracle of eternal proportions. But God didn’t do that miracle so that we would stay infants in our faith and understanding of spiritual truth. He saved us for more than giving us salvation! Paul tells us, “If any man’s work is burned up, he will suffer loss; but he himself will be saved, yet so as through fire” (1 Cor 3:15).  God created us to do the works He “prepared beforehand that we should walk in them” (Eph 2:10).

The tone and wording indicate the writer is assuring his readers he does not think they are “apostates or potential apostates.” He is convinced otherwise. We, too, when hearing such terse language in Scripture, must be provoked to reassure ourselves of our faith in the finished, completed sacrifice of Christ.

Lord, I fall short in many ways, but I am convinced that Christ’s sacrifice is sufficient for all my salvation. Help me to build on this with better things.


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