God Speaks Now – Hebrews 1:2

by | Hebrews

 … in these last days has spoken to us in His Son, whom He appointed heir of all things, through whom also He made the world.

God still speaks now. He is not relegated to dusty parchments of the past, nor the black and white photography of the old days of our parents. He is still communicating.

But He is communicating with a difference. A huge difference! In the past He communicated through prophets, but now He communicates “in His Son.” This simple phrase reflects layers of meaning. God certainly spoke “through” Jesus, who was the messenger of God’s communication. God also used the life of Christ to communicate His message. He was the embodiment of truth, He lived it, He modeled it. While the life of the prophets also embodied the message of  dependence upon God, (see Moses’ 40-day fast on Sinai pre-figuring Jesus’ wilderness experience), Jesus did it more perfectly and more completely.

John captures it so simply yet so eloquently. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God … and the Word became flesh.” (John 1:1, 12). He is the “Logos” (the underlying Greek word) of God. God continues to speak into this world with His active presence in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Although the name “Jesus” is not used in this letter to the Hebrews until 2:9, the author writes to a people who would clearly recognize immediately to whom he is referring. The Son of God was an appellation so unique, so jarring to the Jewish ears, there would be no mistake about it. The angel announced Him as this (Luke 1:35), John the Baptist proclaimed it (John 1:34), Satan challenged it (Matt 4), the centurion may have caught a glimpse of it (Matt 27:54) and Peter confessed it (Matt 16:16). The writer of Hebrews now takes it as a given. God speaks through His Son.

Two truths are laid out. Since God is the creator of all things, His son is heir of all that exists. Furthermore, all things exist precisely because God did it all “through” Christ. Jesus was the means, the agent of creation. When God created, it was His son who actually did it, on behalf of God. So, then, Jesus is the Creator! Blasphemous if it were not true, but the writer does not equivocate. At the center of faith is the fact that Jesus is the Creator God of all that exists. He is not merely a prophet, a moral teacher, or religious leader. He is the Son of God!

Lord God, Creator of the all that is, thank You for speaking to us in Jesus Christ, Your Son, who is the embodiment of Yourself in human flesh. Give us ears to hear Him, as Your Logos, as the Qol of the Lord.


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