View From the Top: Colossians 3:1-2

by | Prison Epistles

1 Therefore if you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. 2 Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth.

Sanctification grows out of the constant pursuit of Christ. There are two great truths that form the bulwark of growing in Christlikeness, both found in our identification with the Son of God: “If you have died with Christ …” (Col 2:20) and “If you have been raised up with Christ …” (Col 3:1). The first frees us from the useless way and the second directs us to the profitable pursuit. There is a choice to be made, focusing on our own efforts or focusing on Christ. This is not some “head-in-the-sky” mysticism reserved for the spiritual ascetics. As believers we have been raised with Christ (see Romans 6:1-14). This is hugely significant and absolutely central to all of the Christian life!

Now, based on this truth, we are directed toward two imperatives. First, keep seeking the things above. Life is made up of pursuits of various sorts. People run after money, jobs, power or fame. Some have lives centered on gaining acceptance or protecting themselves from others. But the only way to live the Christian life that has any traction for holiness is to seek the things of Christ. Paul calls these, “the things above, where Christ is.” And that place is at the right hand of God, the position of authority and preeminence.

All the things we seek here on earth are eclipsed in the pursuit of Christ, because He is far superior to them all. In Him we find the power of God for salvation (Rom 1:16) and for victory over sin (1 Cor 15:56-57). He is the owner of everything—earthly possessions and money are trivial compared to being His heirs. We have the attention and love of the greatest Person in existence and we have already been received as His children—and therefore we have far more security than any earthly person, thing or experience can provide.

The second imperative is to set your mind on things above, similar to the first, but emphasizing the use of the mind. The world would seek to capture the Christian mind back into its futile way of thinking, but we need to focus on that which is central to our lives—Jesus Christ. This is not self-effort in the sense of accomplishing a standing with God. Rather, it is strategic, for what we set our minds upon is what we pursue, what we give our time to. There are many self-help books, even those with a Christian flavor, complete with Scripture references. But setting our minds on the Lord Jesus Christ is central to all Christian living and growth, and the only real way to true spiritual growth.

Lord, thank You for giving us the focus that will anchor our lives in a distracting world. I want to grow in my knowledge and understanding of Christ.


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