The New Walk Again: Colossians 2:6

by | Prison Epistles

6 Therefore as you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him …

First instructions often set the tone for what follows. After Paul’s introduction and lengthy prayer which turns into a rejoicing and rehearsing great truths of God, all in chapter one, and telling the Colossians of his efforts on their behalf in the initial verses of chapter two, he turns to his first instruction to them. Teaching with the goal of change in their lives, was at the heart of Paul’s ministry. His doctrine, though, never changed. It was the lives of believers that needed to change.

The Colossians needed affirmation to continue living in the same way that they had received Christ. There was nothing new to add to the basic teaching of Christian living. He is about to remind them about who Christ is, but suffice it to say at this juncture, living the Christian life is the same as receiving Christ in the first place. “As you received Christ Jesus, so walk in Him.” Very simple and very succinct. Yet, profound in the face of the false teaching confronting the Colossians!

There were many who were suggesting that belief in Christ was good, but there was so much more that they needed to know to arrive at the ultimate destination, that is, unity with the Absolute Truth, where there is pure knowledge. This pre-Gnostic thinking was a sort of mystery religion, that only the select few were initiated into the higher level of spiritual understanding. It was tempting to believers, that they could somehow gain more than what they already had, in terms of understanding knowledge and mysteries.

But Paul has already made it clear that the mystery of God has already been made known to believers (Col 1:26) and that the mystery is made known in Christ (Col 1:27). There is no other mystery, no greater knowledge than knowing Christ. Living the Christian life then, is living in constant discovery of Christ, whom we already know. In the next verse Paul further explains this, but let us stop for a moment to consider our present temptations.

There are many religions today that purport to contain the “true” knowledge of absolute truth. Some claim to build upon Christianity, asserting that Jesus was a great prophet and teacher, but more is needed. However, biblical Christianity teaches that Jesus is enough. In Him, God is fully revealed. Any religion or spiritual teaching that involves “truth beyond” Christ or implies that Christ is not God’s complete statement to us, is simply false.

Lord, help me to see Christ so completely, that all false teaching absolutely loses its appeal. I want to walk in Christ in the same way I received Him.


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