Gaining Wealth: Colossians 2:2

by | Prison Epistles

2 that their hearts may be encouraged, having been knit together in love, and attaining to all the wealth that comes from the full assurance of understanding, resulting in a true knowledge of God’s mystery, that is, Christ Himself …

Needed among Christians, at the top of the list, is encouragement. The English word, encourage, means “to inspire with courage, spirit or hope.” Yet with the plethora of Christian teaching, you would think there is enough spiritual encouragement. Teaching of the Word is prevalent over the radio, Internet and at churches every Sunday morning. Depending upon which polls or researchers you read, the average adult in North America is either well steeped or completely ignorant of basic biblical facts. But Paul was writing to Christians who did know the basics. What they needed was the courage to live out their faith in the face of doctrinal aberrations. It is one thing to know the truth, it is entirely another to live the truth. The difference is one of courage.

The nearby city of Smyrna was faced with similar challenges, with the writer of Revelation even calling the opposition, “the synagogue of Satan.” There John writes to them, “Do not fear what you are about to suffer. Behold, the devil is about to cast some of you into prison, so that you will be tested …” (Rev 2:10). The Colossians, like the Smyrnans, needed to be encouraged.

Is it not interesting that false teaching affects not just the mind but also the heart? It discourages people from walking in true faith. People are drawn away because there is an appeal to the flesh, the natural man in each of us. “It just seems so right, so good,” a person might say. But, is it true to the word of God? I fear many Christians decide on the church they attend, the speakers they listen to or the authors they read, based on how it makes them feel. When their hearts rule over their minds, they become prey to the false teacher who knows how to manipulate. Think about it, false teaching that is simply bland and has no appeal to the flesh will not go very far in attracting a following. But a compelling communicator can skillfully adjust the facts, couch erroneous teaching in a way that sounds soothing and good, and even wholesome – but completely wrong.

Christians must be encouraged, “having been knit together in love” (vs. 2), so that our attraction is to each other seeking the Lord together. The goal is the rich understanding that comes from a true knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. One of the signs of false teaching is that it denigrates the full uniqueness, supremacy and deity of the Lord Jesus Christ. If Jesus Christ is reduced to only a man, or just a prophet, or to just one of many gods (of which we all become) then such teaching and those who propagate it are completely false.

Lord, I believe Your Son, the Lord Jesus Christ is God in the flesh. Amen.


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