The Great Qualifier: Colossians 1:11-12

by | Prison Epistles

11 … strengthened with all power, according to His glorious might, for the attaining of all steadfastness and patience; joyously 12 giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified us to share in the inheritance of the saints in Light.

Continuing his prayer for the Colossian believers, Paul asks that they would be “strengthened.” Not with personal resolve, but with spiritual ability on the level of “His glorious might.” In the Colossians’ case, false teaching was encroaching on the church which over the decades turned into a full-blown religious system which we now call “Gnosticism.” This insidious teaching threatened the believers’ understanding of truth about Christ and the universe. Now, the Colossians had been known to be faithful, loving and hopeful and they “understood the grace of God in truth” (Col 1:6). But they also needed spiritual strength from God to confront the error.

We cannot fight only in the flesh or with just our personal resolve. We will be easily felled by the weakness of the flesh. This happens when we give in to pride of doctrine, argumentativeness or unnecessary harshness of attitude. Weakness is revealed also when we fear or ignore conflict in hopes it will go away. We need to avoid extremes: 1) Not confronting falsehoods because of fear or laziness or a false sense of unity, 2) over-reacting with a negative spirit of the flesh and 3) fighting the wrong battles, for instance, treating relatively minor issues as major doctrinal errors.

The goal of this strengthening is “steadfastness and patience.” Being consistent in our doctrinal beliefs and faithfulness to the Lord is key here. Patience has to do with being steadfast over the long haul. It is noteworthy when a person comes to a conviction of Scripture and is willing to take a stand in defense of sound doctrine. But the real question addresses whether he will be able to continue being firm for the truth five, ten, twenty-five years down the road. Many, thinking they were strong, have strayed because of weakness in the relentless onslaught of the world’s philosophy or religions.

Finally, Paul expresses together with them joyful gratitude to God. He begins his prayer with thankfulness and ends it that way. And why not? He is praying to the One “who has qualified us to share in the inheritance of the saints in Light.” What an amazing thing that we who are sinners saved by grace would also inherit God’s eternal riches! We have not earned this nor have we merited it. He is the qualifier, and we are the qualified. He is the saver, we are the saved. He is the lover, we are the loved ones. He is the forgiver, we are the forgiven. He is the praise-worthy One, we are the praise-giving ones!

Lord, You are wonderful in all You have done for us. I thank You eternally.


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