A Great Three: Colossians 1:3-5

by | Prison Epistles

3 We give thanks to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, praying always for you, 4 since we heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and the love which you have for all the saints; 5 because of the hope laid up for you in heaven, of which you previously heard in the word of truth, the gospel …

Good reputation ranks high on most people’s “want to have” list. One can have a reputation for being a good athlete, scholar or writer. Or for being generous, fun or hardworking. One can have a good reputation or not-so good reputation. The Colossians are commended for their good reputation in the vital areas of Christian virtue.

In light of this very positive report, Paul and Timothy are grateful to God. Why? Because, even though they themselves had not visited Colossae in person, their work of the gospel had affected them and produced good fruit in Colossae and the surrounding area. The word had spread during their travels throughout the nearby area during the second missionary tour (see Acts 16:1-11) and possibly from the extended teaching in Ephesus. The Colossians must have heard about the gospel from those who had heard Paul directly.

Thankfulness was expressed in frequent prayer for the Colossian believers. Paul and Timothy prayed not because they were “committed” to a spiritual discipline. Rather, prayer came as the expression of what they valued and wanted for others. What they highly regarded energized their thankfulness to God for seeing those things come to fruit in the Colossians’ lives.

So what are these Christian virtues so highly regarded? First, there is “faith in Christ Jesus.” Christians need a solid foundation of believing in Christ (for salvation) and believing His word (for guidance); this is what God looks for above all else. “And without faith it is impossible to please Him …” (Heb 11:6).

Next, Paul speaks of their reputation of “love which you have for all the saints.” The word for love, agape, was not common in the ancient world, until the Christians brought widespread use of it. It had the connotation, as many Christians today are fully aware, of being “unconditional” giving, that is, totally other-person centered. It is not a feeling or an emotion, but an action. What is unique about the word is the pervasive use of it among Christians to describe the heart of the Gospel and of their behavior toward others. The Colossians had a reputation of selfless generosity in all areas of life toward all believers. They were not partial to socio-economic or any other kind of class distinctions.

Lastly, the Colossians’ hope for the future was well known. What a reputation they had. Oh, that we would all have these three characteristics!

Lord, I want to grow in faith, love and hope, not just for the reputation it gives me, but because You value those things in me. I want to value them as well.


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