Beloved and Faithful: Ephesians 6:21-22

by | Prison Epistles

21 But that you also may know about my circumstances, how I am doing, Tychicus, the beloved brother and faithful minister in the Lord, will make everything known to you. 22 I have sent him to you for this very purpose, so that you may know about us, and that he may comfort your hearts.

Companions of Paul were numerous, but some rise to the surface. Tychicus was one of seven (which also included Timothy) who accompanied the well-traveled apostle on his third missions tour, particularly mentioned in Acts 20:4. Paul had come from what we would today call Asia Minor, specifically the city of Ephesus, where a near riot had taken place over his preaching of the gospel. Tychicus hailed from Asia Minor.

From there Paul traveled west to Macedonia and then south to Greece, presumably visiting the troubled church in Corinth where he spent three months, only to get in trouble with the local Jewish population. Then he embarked on his return trip to his “home church” in Antioch of Syria, but first going back through Macedonia. It was during this leg of his tour that Tychicus is mentioned along with six others as accompanying Paul. Once in Macedonia, the companions went ahead to Troas while Paul stayed back in Philippi.

Meeting up again in Troas, we find the famous story of Paul’s long sermon into the night and a young man falling asleep in the window, falling to his death—but Paul raised him up alive. Tychicus was a witness to this event. Following this he would presumably be still with Paul as he gave his farewell speech to the Ephesian elders (Acts 20:15-38).

We mention this bit of history to give background to Paul’s comment about Tychicus in our present passage in his letter to the Ephesians. The Christians in Ephesus were concerned about him being one of their own. He was apparently well known also to the Colossian church (see Col 4:7). Paul considered him a “beloved brother and faithful minister.” It was not just that Tychicus was efficient and effective in the Lord’s work, but that he was “beloved.” He connected with people at a deep, relational level.

It is this one whom Paul sends back to the Ephesians to inform them of his current situation. Many Bible interpreters believe Tychicus was the courier bringing this letter to the Ephesians.

Notice Paul’s concern for the Ephesian anxiety over both himself and Tychicus (vs. 22). What faithfulness and what love among God’s people! This was true Christian fellowship.

Lord, help me to have a growing, deep love for my fellow workers in the Lord’s service. And help me to be faithful in my service to them.


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