Look Out! Galatians 5:19-21a

by | Prison Epistles

19 Now the deeds of the flesh are evident, which are: immorality, impurity, sensuality, 20 idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, disputes, dissensions, factions, 21 envying, drunkenness, carousing, and things like these …

A daily devotion focusing on sin can be depressing, not very uplifting! However, spiritual exercise in our Christian life needs regular assessment of our spiritual walk—and this includes reminding ourselves of some of the more obvious sins into which we can so easily fall. Like a doctor assesses the symptoms in order to diagnose an illness, Christians ought to look for the outward symptoms of fleshliness to determine whether we are walking by (or being led by) the Spirit or not.

Young Christians struggle with what is meant by “the flesh.” Paul indicated that it may be known by its symptoms. The first three listed relate to sexual immorality and are somewhat comprehensive, beginning with immorality. (Note: The KJV includes as the first, adultery). This is the general Greek word, pornea, from which the word pornography derives. The word was used for immoral or inappropriate sexual relationships, particularly prostitution or intercourse outside of the marriage relationship. In the Greek and Roman world it was considered “the most open and shameless vice” (Gabelein). Impurity refers to anything that stimulates the sexual urges in biblically inappropriate ways. Sensuality (also translated debauchery, lewdness or lustful pleasures) describes unrestrained sexual immorality.

The next two symptoms of fleshliness, idolatry and sorcery, have to do with cultic practices. Today this would include using horoscopes and fortune tellers, and also good luck charms, superstitious practices and the like.

The following eight symptoms (from enmities to envying) could be called social or relational sins and are quite comprehensive. They are all expanded upon elsewhere in Scripture, from the Sermon on the Mount (Matt 5-7) to James (esp. 4:1-3). Which of these can a Christian say has never been a part of his or her experience? Read them over again and meditate on each one asking the Lord to give you the humility to recognize any and all symptoms in your life.

The last two, drunkenness and carousing (also translated at times orgies) represent the ultimate in self-abasement for the sake of bodily and momentary pleasure. Fleshliness is no more pathetic than when a person gives control over himself to things like shameless drunkenness and unrestrained sexual pleasures.

O Father, help me recognize and confess the self-entitlement, self-justification and self-pleasure that allow for unchecked fleshly behavior in my life.


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