Clear Thinking: Galatians 5:9-10

by | Prison Epistles

9 A little leaven leavens the whole lump of dough. 10 I have confidence in you in the Lord that you will adopt no other view; but the one who is disturbing you will bear his judgment, whoever he is.

One person can influence a whole group. And the less people think clearly about things, the more easily they are influenced. Few people think well! The causes of this phenomenon are numerous: 1) Lazy minds, accustomed to being entertained with amusement—(“a-musement” means without musing or thinking!) 2) Enslavement to poor thinking habits—never trained to engage one’s mind 3) Minds bent by the effects of repeated sin—a person begins to see life differently, 4) Limited natural thinking ability—and no effort to grow in this area, 5) Uncontrolled emotions that neutralize perspective—despair, greed, jealousy, anger, etc., 6) Building a mental framework for interpreting truth, based on distortion that comes through repetition of wrong ideas.

A skilled thinker with a charismatic persona knows how to marshal this insight to manipulate large groups of people to follow in ways that don’t make sense to an “outsider.” Hitler was a master of this; so have been many powerful influential people, whether political or religious. Paul wrote of leaven (a.k.a. yeast). As moisture and heat are added to the dough, air is formed which permeates throughout and the bread rises. False teachers, likewise, capitalized on people’s hindered thinking, adding the right words in a certain way to persuade them to follow a perverted message.

The apostle appealed to this group to consider the original message and how it was inherently superior to the false message that includes the Law. The logic of it stands on its own. Yet, some would not accept this, because the false teachers were influential in keeping their minds confused and hindered. Paul’s goal was to help them see that the message of grace actually sets a person free, sets their minds free. The framework for thinking about life and God and spiritual things had changed. There is a new grid – one that brings freedom. The only real hope that satisfies is the hope that comes through Christ alone.

Paul did indeed have confidence that the true believers among the Galatians would not revert to the old message again, and he likewise had the confidence that those harassing them would be judged by God. It doesn’t matter who that person is. Anyone, Peter, James, an angel from heaven, or even himself – anyone trying to persuade others that observing the law of Moses was required for justification is to “be accursed” (Gal 1:8-9).

Lord, help us watch for those who try to bring us into bondage. Thank You for elders who guard the flock of God from spiritual “wolves” (Acts 20:28-29).


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