Why Go Back? Galatians 4:8-10

by | Prison Epistles

8 However at that time, when you did not know God, you were slaves to those which by nature are no gods. 9 But now that you have come to know God, or rather to be known by God, how is it that you turn back again to the weak and worthless elemental things, to which you desire to be enslaved all over again? 10 You observe days and months and seasons and years.

Why would a believer who has an intimate relationship with the one true God revert to a system of belief that enslaves him to religious rules? Laws don’t bring the knowledge of God, but rather fear of judgment. For the unregenerate person that is a strong motivator toward behavior modification. But it cannot bring about justification before God, because no one can keep the law perfectly. We all fail (see Romans 3:23).

True enough, some of the Galatians thought they were serving God by holding to religious laws. The multiplicity of all law-based religions believe they are serving deities, but in reality they are serving that which, “by nature are no gods.” Even some forms of so-called Christendom fall prey to teachings that mix Christ and the Law! Many denominations and churches preach a form of legalistic requirement to be acceptable to God. This is why Paul so adamantly condemns anyone as being “accursed” who preaches a different gospel (1:8-9). Such religions are completely false. Though such mixing of Christ and law is historically part of church heritage through the centuries, such teaching is antithetical to true faith in Christ as Paul taught.

Yes, the Law of Moses was good and it was the true religion—that is, before Jesus Christ. Now that He has come, the purpose of the Law has been fulfilled, it is no longer needed. It pointed to God’s mercy and grace in Christ. To use the Law as a way to merit God’s blessing now becomes a curse! Even using is as a way to enhance our acceptability to God is false. The specifics for the Galatians had to do with keeping to holy days and times. These things are not wrong in themselves but when treated as mandatory for maintaining a right relationship with God, it amounts to serving a false god.

The difference is that through faith in Christ, a believer has come into a relationship with God, here described as knowing Him God and being known by Him. In previous verses, we are proclaimed to be “sons of God” and can now call Him, “Abba.” The Law could never bring about that kind of relationship. Why go back from living as sons and knowing God to enslaving ourselves to “worthless elemental things” and forfeiting an intimate relationship with God?

Lord, help me always keep the grace of my Lord Jesus Christ in the forefront of my thoughts, so that I don’t fall prey to legalistic living.


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