Faithful Witnesses: Matthew 27:54-56

by | Matthew

54 Now the centurion, and those who were with him keeping guard over Jesus, when they saw the earthquake and the things that were happening, became very frightened and said, “Truly this was the Son of God!” 55 Many women were there looking on from a distance, who had followed Jesus from Galilee while ministering to Him. 56 Among them was Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James and Joseph, and the mother of the sons of Zebedee.

Fear struck the soldiers guarding Jesus as He died. What was to have been a routine execution for these hardened military men turned into a frightful occasion. The commanding officer responded to the events, “Truly this was the Son of God!” Scholars debate whether this was a confession of faith in Christ or simply an acknowledgment that Jesus was somehow an unusual individual, a “son of God.” He was godlike, in the same way that James and John were sons of thunder, that is, thunderous in their behavior or personalities (Mark 3:17). We have noted earlier the favorable light in which centurions are presented in the gospels (see Matt 8:8, Acts 10:1ff, for example). Certainly, this soldier connected the natural upheaval with the death of Jesus, and saw that this crucified One was not an ordinary man.

Matthew at this point chronicles the witness of “many women,” three of whom are mentioned by name. They had been with Jesus since the early days of His ministry in Galilee and “ministered” to him. They looked after his domestic needs (see Martha’s example of preparing a meal for Him in Luke 10:40). Mary Magdalene, of course, held a prominent role as the first witness of the risen Christ (see Matt 28:1, John 20:1). While Mary, the mother of Jesus, and her sister were in closer proximity (John 19:26), these three and the other women watched from a distance. It speaks of the tender affection and loyalty of these women that they are included as witness of the death of their Master. It also speaks of the contrast with the male disciples who fled for their lives!

What did these women think or feel as they saw the One they had followed and served being now so cruelly tortured and destroyed on the cross? The Bible doesn’t say, but this isn’t the last we hear of them in the story. In a world that minimized the testimony of women, the inclusion of this notation concerning the woman is significant. Christ Himself treated women in a much higher regard than the culture around Him. In fact, wherever Christianity has gone, the treatment and honor of woman has been raised. Their faithfulness is clearly seen and acknowledge not just by Matthew, the human author of this book, but by the Divine Author Himself, the Holy Spirit.

Lord, thank You for the faithful example of these woman. Amen!


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