Joseph to the Rescue: Matthew 2:13-15

by | Matthew

13 Now when they had gone, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, “Get up! Take the Child and His mother and flee to Egypt, and remain there until I tell you; for Herod is going to search for the Child to destroy Him.” 14 So Joseph got up and took the Child and His mother while it was still night, and left for Egypt. 15 He remained there until the death of Herod. This was to fulfill what had been spoken by the Lord through the prophet: “Out of Egypt I called My Son.”

The visit of the magi must have bewildered Joseph, the newly adoptive father of Jesus. We know little of his background other than that he was a skilled tradesman (Matt 33:55). The enormity of the events likely left him with a lack of sufficient perspective, an inherent insecurity, so as to result in indecision about the next course of action. Fortunately the Lord provided angelic guidance, warning him to “get out of town,” as it were, the governor had his sights on murdering the child. How early does Jesus encounter conflict!

Not only did Joseph and Mary have to deal with the nasty rumors of having an illegitimate child, but now the child’s life was in danger, the only remedy being to flee the country. It takes no great contemplation to imagine the difficulties of establishing a marriage and family under such conditions, apart from the support of extended family and friends. This poor young couple, at the same time blessed and unfortunate, had been dealt a difficult hand in life.

Interestingly, God speaks directly to Joseph (the non-birth parent) rather than Mary (the biological/birth parent) about what to do next, which justifies our assumption that Joseph was considered the adoptive parent, with all its responsibilities (legal and otherwise). He was not just a parent, but a father. Indeed, God holds the father to have greater responsibility in guiding and protecting the family (see Genesis 2, Gal 5:22ff, etc.).

Few things in life stir up masculinity as much as a threat upon a man’s children. So Joseph immediately (“while it was still night”) responds to the divine warning to protect his family and flees with them to Egypt.

Matthew, as the divine commentator, adds that in addition to the safety factor this action sets the stage for the fulfillment of prophecy (Hosea 11:1). Thus he continues his book-long effort so show Jesus as the fulfillment of OT prophecies for Israel.

Lord, help me accept both the blessings in my life as well as the hardships You allow, for both give opportunity for Your Glory.


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